Zeina El-Chemali, MD MPH on Supporting Health Care Workers Recovering from COVID-19

February 28, 2021
Advances in Motion
In an interview published in Advances in Motion, Dr. El-Chemali reports on the COVID-19 pandemic, its profound neuropsychiatric impacts and the needs to be addressed now and in the future.

Zeina El-Chemali, MD, MPH, Director of Neuropsychiatry Clinics and Training in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology and Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Neurology at Harvard Medical School, and her team provide neuropsychiatry education and training in low resource settings and develops resilience training programs for health care professionals to address burnout in under-resourced areas.

In an interview published in Advances in Motion, Dr. El-Chemali reports on the COVID-19 pandemic, its profound neuropsychiatric impacts and the needs to be addressed now and in the future.

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Advances in Motion provides health care professionals with information about the latest breakthroughs, research and clinical advances from Massachusetts General Hospital.



Advances in Motion provides health care professionals with information about the latest breakthroughs, research and clinical advances from Massachusetts General Hospital.

Medical Director, McCance Center for Brain Health

Director, Neuropsychiatry Clinics and Training, Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology, MGH

Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Neurology, Harvard Medical School

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