Suzanne Bender, MD: Supporting Parents of Children With Chronic Illness (Psychology Today)

February 18, 2025
Suzanne Bender, MD
Parenting was never meant to be a job just for parents. The proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” is especially true for a medically complex child.

When a child has a chronic medical illness, the family system evolves to manage the ongoing life turbulence of medical appointments and procedures. Parents become fierce protective advocates for their child. I have been deeply moved by the compassion and determination of caregivers devoted to their child’s needs. But this perspective is also the idealized version of the real-life experience.

In this article, Suzanne Bender, MD, a Staff Psychiatrist in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School gives us thoughtful and practical advice on how to provide support to parents caring for a child with a chronic medical illness.


Read the entire article on Psychology Today:  Supporting Parents of Children With Chronic Illness

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