New Publications from the Mass General Department of Psychiatry – July 5, 2024

July 5, 2024
MGH Psychiatry News
From the clinicians and researchers in our department, a list of our most recent publications.

The Mass General Department of Psychiatry encompasses more than 60 specialty integrated clinical and research programs.  Our wide-ranging research portfolio spans clinical and basic research covering virtually every major psychiatric disorder, as well as the psychiatric consequences of medical illness. 

These initiatives have led to notable expansions in genetics, neuroimaging and basic neuroscience, and this model of cross-talk between clinical care and science has consistently led to research advances that inform and advance clinical care.



Brain evolution and the meaning of catatonia – An update.

Fricchione G.  Schizophr Res. 2024 Jan; 263:139-150. 


Lorazepam in catatonia – Past, present and future of a clinical success story.

Hirjak D, Fricchione G, Wolf RC, Northoff G.  Schizophr Res. 2024 Jan; 263:27-34. 


Molecular and immunological origins of catatonia.

Beach SR, Luccarelli J, Praschan N, Fusunyan M, Fricchione GL.  Schizophr Res. 2024 Jan; 263:169-177. 


Orthostatic Blood Pressure Change, Dizziness, and Risk of Dementia in the ARIC Study.

Ma Y, Zhang Y, Coresh J, Viswanathan A, Sullivan KJ, Walker KA, Liu C, Lipsitz LA, Selvin E, Sharrett AR, Gottesman RF, Blacker D, Hofman A, Windham BG, Juraschek SP.  Hypertension. 2024 Jan; 81(1):96-106. 


Gonadal hormones impart male-biased behavioral vulnerabilities to immune activation via microglial mitochondrial function.

Bordt EA, Moya HA, Jo YC, Ravichandran CT, Bankowski IM, Ceasrine AM, McDougle CJ, Carlezon WA Jr, Bilbo SD.  Brain Behav Immun. 2024 Jan;115: 680-695. 


Buspirone for the treatment of anxiety in Williams syndrome: a retrospective chart review study.

Shin E, Renzi D, Canales C, Ravichandran C, McDougle CJ, Thom RP.  Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2024 Jan-Apr; 25(1):113-120. 


Love, compassion, and attachment in psychiatric care: perspectives for research and clinical practice.

Damiano RF, Fricchione G, Miguel EC.  Trends Psychiatry Psychother. 2024;46:e20220557. 


Neuroanatomical dimensions in medication-free individuals with major depressive disorder and treatment response to SSRI antidepressant medications or placebo.

Fu CHY, Antoniades M, Erus G, Garcia JA, Fan Y, Arnone D, Arnott SR, Chen T, Choi KS, Fatt CC, Frey BN, Frokjaer VG, Ganz M, Godlewska BR, Hassel S, Ho K, McIntosh AM, Qin K, Rotzinger S, Sacchet MD, Savitz J, Shou H, Singh A, Stolicyn A, Strigo I, Strother SC, Tosun D, Victor TA, Wei D, Wise T, Zahn R, Anderson IM, Craighead WE, Deakin JFW, Dunlop BW, Elliott R, Gong Q, Gotlib IH, Harmer CJ, Kennedy SH, Knudsen GM, Mayberg HS, Paulus MP, Qiu J, Trivedi MH, Whalley HC, Yan CG, Young AH, Davatzikos C.  Nat Ment Health. 2024; 2(2):164-176. 


Lower levels of social support are associated with risk for future suicide attempts in a clinical sample of transgender and gender diverse adults.

Pletta DR, Austin SB, Chen JT, Radix AE, Keuroghlian AS, Hughto JMW, Reisner SL.  Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2024 Jan 5. 


Clinical Considerations for Children of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and All Sexually and Gender Diverse Families.

Schnabel D, Keuroghlian AS.  LGBT Health. 2024 Jan 8. 


Training Health Center Staff in the Provision of Culturally Responsive Care for Sexual and Gender Minority Patients: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Mayer KH, Peretti M, McBurnie MA, King D, Smith NX, Crawford P, Loo S, Sigal M, Gillespie S, Davis JA, Cahill S, Grasso C, Keuroghlian AS.  LGBT Health. 2024 Feb-Mar;11(2):131-142. 


Cisgender Privilege in Public Health Research.

Keuroghlian AS.  Am J Public Health. 2024 Feb;114(2):142-143. 


Guanfacine for the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome: A Retrospective Chart Review.

Powers JH, Wu M, Palumbo M, Keary CJ, McDougle CJ, Ravichandran C, Thom RP.  J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2024 Mar;34(2):95-103. 


Prenatal mental health and emotional experiences during the pandemic: associations with infant neurodevelopment screening results.

Liu CH, Koire A, Ma C, Mittal L, Roffman JL, Erdei C.  Pediatr Res. 2024 Mar 2. 


Age, Race, Ethnicity, and Sex of Participants in Clinical Trials Focused on Chronic Pain.

Boyd T, Chibueze J, Pester BD, Saini R, Bar N, Edwards RR, Adams MCB, Silver JK, Meints SM, Burton-Murray H.  J Pain. 2024 Mar 16:104511. 


Risk of Autism after Prenatal Topiramate, Valproate, or Lamotrigine Exposure.

Hernández-Díaz S, Straub L, Bateman BT, Zhu Y, Mogun H, Wisner KL, Gray KJ, Lester B, McDougle CJ, DiCesare E, Pennell PB, Huybrechts KF.  N Engl J Med. 2024 Mar 21;390(12):1069-1079. 


Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Medical and Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Cannabis Use Among Youth in the United States.

Pawar AKS, Firmin ES, Wilens TE, Hammond CJ.  J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024 Mar 27:S0890-8567(24)00141-2. 


MIR137 polygenic risk for schizophrenia and ephrin-regulated pathway: Role in lateral ventricles and corpus callosum volume.

Blokland GAM, Maleki N, Jovicich J, Mesholam-Gately RI, DeLisi LE, Turner JA, Shenton ME, Voineskos AN, Kahn RS, Roffman JL, Holt DJ, Ehrlich S, Kikinis Z, Dazzan P, Murray RM, Lee J, Sim K, Lam M, de Zwarte SMC, Walton E, Kelly S, Picchioni MM, Bramon E, Makris N, David AS, Mondelli V, Reinders AATS, Oykhman E, Morris DW, Gill M, Corvin AP, Cahn W, Ho N, Liu J, Gollub RL, Manoach DS, Calhoun VD, Sponheim SR, Buka SL, Cherkerzian S, Thermenos HW, Dickie EW, Ciufolini S, Reis Marques T, Crossley NA, Purcell SM, Smoller JW, van Haren NEM, Toulopoulou T, Donohoe G, Goldstein JM, Keshavan MS, Petryshen TL, Del Re EC.  Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2024 Apr-Jun;24(2):100458. 


Impaired Kidney Function, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Cognitive Disorders: The Framingham Heart Study.

Kelly DM, Pinheiro AA, Koini M, Anderson CD, Aparicio H, Hofer E, Kern D, Blacker D, DeCarli C, Hwang SJ, Viswanathan A, Gonzales MM, Beiser AS, Seshadri S, Schmidt R, Demissie S, Romero JR.  Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2024 Apr 2:gfae079. 


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