New Publications from the Mass General Department of Psychiatry – August 23, 2024

August 23, 2024
MGH Psychiatry News
From the clinicians and researchers in our department, a list of our most recent publications.

The Mass General Department of Psychiatry encompasses more than 60 specialty integrated clinical and research programs.  Our wide-ranging research portfolio spans clinical and basic research covering virtually every major psychiatric disorder, as well as the psychiatric consequences of medical illness. 

These initiatives have led to notable expansions in genetics, neuroimaging and basic neuroscience, and this model of cross-talk between clinical care and science has consistently led to research advances that inform and advance clinical care.



The MAPP Room Memory Test: Examining Contextual Memory Using a Novel Computerized Test in Cognitively-Unimpaired Individuals with Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer’s Disease.

Giudicessi A, Aduen PA, Fox-Fuller JT, Martinez JE, Gonzalez LA, Vila-Castelar C, Baena A, Pluim McDowell C, Cronin-Golomb A, Lopera F, Quiroz YT.  J Prev Alzheimers Dis. 2024;11(2):463-468.  


APOE Christchurch-mimetic therapeutic antibody reduces APOE-mediated toxicity and tau phosphorylation.

Marino C, Perez-Corredor P, O’Hare M, Heuer A, Chmielewska N, Gordon H, Chandrahas AS, Gonzalez-Buendia L, Delgado-Tirado S, Doan TH, Vanderleest TE, Arevalo-Alquichire S, Obar RA, Ortiz-Cordero C, Villegas A, Sepulveda-Falla D, Kim LA, Lopera F, Mahley R, Huang Y, Quiroz YT, Arboleda-Velasquez JF.=  Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Feb; 20(2):819-836. 


Performance on the Latin American version of the Face-Name Associative Memory Exam (LAS-FNAME) distinguishes individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment from age-matched controls in a sample from Argentina.  Keller G, Corvalan N, Carello MA, Arruabarrena MM, Martínez-Canyazo C, De Los Santos L, Spehrs J, Vila-Castelar C, Allegri RF, Quiroz YT, Crivelli L.

Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 2024 Mar 6:1-9. 


Use of Machine Learning to Optimize Referral for Early Palliative Care: Are Prognostic Predictions Enough?

Weissman GE, Greer JA, Temel JS.  J Clin Oncol. 2024 May 10;42(14):1603-1606. 


A resiliency intervention adapted for older women with HIV: Results from a pilot randomized controlled trial in the northeastern US.

Psaros C, Stanton AM, Goodman GR, Blyler A, Vangel M, Labbe AK, Robbins GK, Park ER.  J Health Psychol. 2024 May 18:13591053241253050. 


Why and How to Integrate Early Palliative Care Into Cutting-Edge Personalized Cancer Care.

Petrillo LA, Jones KF, El-Jawahri A, Sanders J, Greer JA, Temel JS.  Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2024 Jun;44(3):e100038. 


Stepped Palliative Care for Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Temel JS, Jackson VA, El-Jawahri A, Rinaldi SP, Petrillo LA, Kumar P, McGrath KA, LeBlanc TW, Kamal AH, Jones CA, Rabideau DJ, Horick N, Pintro K, Gallagher Medeiros ER, Post KE, Greer JA.  JAMA. 2024 Jun 2:e2410398. 


An exploration into the relationship between insomnia and repetitive negative thinking among cancer survivors.

Arditte Hall KA, Price SN, Lucas AR, Park ER, Wagner LI, Mizrach HR, Werner MH, Juhel BC, Goldstein MR, Gorman MJ, Hall DL.  J Psychosoc Oncol. 2024 Jun 3:1-14. 


A Digital Therapeutic Application (ePAL) to Manage Pain in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Kamdar M, Jethwani K, Centi AJ, Agboola S, Fischer N, Traeger L, Rinaldi S, Strand J, Ritchie C, Temel JS, Greer JA, Kvedar J, El-Jawarhi A, Jackson V.  J Pain Symptom Manage. 2024 Jun 10:S0885-3924(24)00800-5. 


Maternal SARS-CoV-2 impacts fetal placental macrophage programs and placenta-derived microglial models of neurodevelopment.

Shook LL, Batorsky RE, De Guzman RM, McCrea LT, Brigida SM, Horng JE, Sheridan SD, Kholod O, Cook AM, Li JZ, Slonim DK, Goods BA, Perlis RH, Edlow AG.  J Neuroinflammation. 2024 Jun 25;21(1):163. 


Medical Comorbidities, Nutritional Markers, and Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Youth With ARFID.

Burton-Murray H, Sella AC, Gydus JE, Atkins M, Palmer LP, Kuhnle MC, Becker KR, Breithaupt LE, Brigham KS, Aulinas A, Staller K, Eddy KT, Misra M, Micali N, Thomas JJ, Lawson EA.  Int J Eat Disord. 2024 Jun 28. 


AACAP Endorses the Inclusion of Methylphenidate in the WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines.

Cortese S, Coghill D, Mattingly GW, Rohde LA, Thom RP, Wilens TE, Wong ICK, Faraone SV.  J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024 Jul;63(7):663-665. 


Presence and characteristics of disordered eating and orthorexia in irritable bowel syndrome.

Sultan N, Foyster M, Tonkovic M, Noon D, Burton-Murray H, Biesiekierski JR, Tuck CJ.  Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2024 Jul;36(7):e14797. 


Distinct genetic liability profiles define clinically relevant patient strata across common diseases.

Trastulla L, Dolgalev G, Moser S, Jiménez-Barrón LT, Andlauer TFM, von Scheidt M; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Budde M, Heilbronner U, Papiol S, Teumer A, Homuth G, Völzke H, Dörr M, Falkai P, Schulze TG, Gagneur J, Iorio F, Müller-Myhsok B, Schunkert H, Ziller MJ.  Nat Commun. 2024 Jul 1;15(1):5534. 


Characterization of cortico-meningeal translocator protein expression in multiple sclerosis.

Herranz E, Treaba CA, Barletta VT, Mehndiratta A, Ouellette R, Sloane JA, Ionete C, Babu S, Mastantuono M, Magon S, Loggia ML, Makary MM, Hooker JM, Catana C, Kinkel RP, Nicholas R, Klawiter EC, Magliozzi R, Mainero C.  Brain. 2024 Jul 5;147(7):2566-2578. 



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